Monday, August 1, 2011

Design Wall Monday 8/1/11

This is what is on my design wall/floor.  It is pattern from McCal's Quilting May/June 2010 called Pardigm Shift.  Our guild got together Saturday and we all made our own versions of it.  Mine I decided to do in pink & brown.  I decided to go out of my comfort zone because pink and brown are not something I would do.  I am not sure if I like it or not.  But I have all the blocks made and each individual row sewn together and tonight I will sew the rows together and will have the flimsy made and ready to quilt.  First though looking at the pic I need to fix the bottom row since it looks like i have some blocks in wrong order.

Weaving the Rails quilt is off the wall.  I had it to about full size and showed it to my DH and let him know I was making this for our bed.  He informed me it wasn't going on our bed because it was nothing but stripes.  Don't get me wrong he didn't mean it in a bad way you seee I made a couple of tan to brown trips around the world that he fell in love with and he has said repeatedly he wanted those quilts but they were for other people.  So I don't think he will be happy with anything on our bed but a tan/brown quilt so what is a girl to do.  Go shopping.  I purchased 15 yards of tan to brown fabric that I will make into a king size top for him and hopefully get quilted without him knowing and give to him either for our anniversary but more than likely it won't be done till Christmas. 

Check out Judy L's Design Wall for more inspiration


  1. Love the diagonal design of the reds, and pinks. Your Rails are coming along nicely, too.

  2. I love pink and brown together. Fabulous movement in your quilt.
