Thursday, February 17, 2011

Something New

There has been alot going on here not all quilting.  We are finally finished with Basketball having our last game yesterday but now we are starting baseball (first game this weekend) and Track.  Its a never ending cycle during the school year but I have told my kids there will be no sports this summer.  We purchased a camper (used but new to us) and I intend on getting my moneys worth out of it this summer.  lol

Well I put a new quilt on the frame.  Its one my mom made for my sister for her graduation.  Mom wanted feathers on it and I have never done then before but gave it a try.  If anyone would love it no matter the mistakes it would be my sister so here is my first attempt at freehand feathers.  There is always room for improvement but I am quite  proud of them.  They don't look half as bad as I expected them to come out :).  Its a long way from being done (only have first border quilted) but its started. 

I also have made some progress on my braids.  I am starting to sew the rows together.  I have 6 sewn together.  Only 4 more to go. 
Well back to the quilting room.  After while crocidile.

1 comment:

  1. Ur sister will love the feathers and the top. The fact that her big sister spent hours quilting it for her to have means more than a few dots or jags. Remember she knows nothing about how feathers are suppose to look. It is not the individual quilting elements but the over all look. You are too much of a perfectionist.
